Hazards of Unattended Waste: A Review of Developing Countries

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Plans need to be made to lessen the damage that people do to the environment so that the world can enjoy both economic growth and long-term development. Changing how things and resources are thrown away and how trash is made is called this. Over time, it has become harder to follow rules in a way that is good for the environment because developing countries' effects have grown as their living standards have gone up. In order to make towns better places to live, fight poverty, promote social equality, and clean up the environment, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were created. These 17 goals cover all the ideas behind sustainable development. For a greener world, the global waste management goals are to make sure that everyone can get enough, safe, and affordable Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) collection services by 2020; to stop people from throwing away or burning trash in public without permission; and by 2030, to handle all solid waste, especially hazardous waste, in a way that is environmentally friendly and will last.

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