Implications of the Human Genome Project in Dentistry – Narrative Review

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Shaik mobeen, Sunitha J.D, Rathod Prakash, S.Sai Charan, A.Prem Sagar, Zubiya Anam


Introduction: The  Human  Genome  Project (HGP),  one  of  the  largest  scientific projects  in  history, aims  to  decipher  the  entire  human  genome's  sequence  and  comprehend  the  roles  of  its  numerous components. In 1990, the project formally started as a worldwide cooperative endeavour including scientists from all across the world. The principal objective comprised organizing the entire human genome by mapping and sequencing, pinpointing the sites of particular genes and comprehending their roles.

The HGP was characterized by its large scale institutional approach, scientists, researchers and scholars from various nations, disciplines and institutions. For the project to succeed, this collaborative paradigm was essential as it allowed for the efficient sharing of resources, expertise and data. Nonetheless, there were difficulties and disagreements associated with such a large and intricate project.

The question of data ownership and access was one of the main points of contention around the HGP. The project involved a massive amount of genetic information and questions arose about who had the right to access and control the data. Ethical considerations regarding the use of genetic information also came to the forefront, prompting discussions about privacy, consent and the potential misuse of genetic data. Despite the challenges the HGP achieved significant milestones. The first outline of the human genome sequence was finished in 2001, offering a thorough overview of the genetic blueprint that constitutes an individual human. This breakthrough laid the foundation for numerous advancements in genetics and medicine.

The development of the Human Genome Project and its implications on numerous fields are briefly discussed in this article including Dentistry its role in understanding the genetic basis of diseases and exploring human evolution its contribution in understanding the similarities and differences between human and other species, illuminating the evolutionary mechanisms that have moulded the diversity of life.

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