Optimizing Visual Screening Cervical Cancer in the Republic of Tajikistan

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Muhsinzoda N. A.


Introduction: The relevance of the problem of cervical cancer is due to the growing trend in the incidence of cervical cancer in the world, which dictates the need for active detection and treatment of this pathology in the early stages. In the Republic of Tajikistan, taking into account the level of incidence and prevalence, infrastructure and availability of resources, visual screening will be carried out, which is an effective method for identifying precancerous diseases and cervical cancer.

Objective: Assessment of the experience of using visual screening for cervical cancer, preparation of health care institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan and prospects for further expansion at the national level.

Methods: For this study, two experimental districts were selected - primary health care institutions (PHC) in Kushoniyon district and B. Gafurov district.

Results: Currently, this screening method is used in 16 PHC in Dushanbe, and regional level medical institutions in Bokhtar and Khujand. To implement this strategy, 32,391 employees of PHC and 2,017 specialized doctors are involved. Over the 6 months of this year, 179,922 women underwent a visual examination of the cervix and 12,991 underwent a colposcopic examination of the cervix. At the same time, 3986 women underwent cytological examination of the cervix, which amounted to 30.7%, 131 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer (3.9%).

Conclusions: The positive experience of using visual screening in two pilot districts of the Republic of Tajikistan contributes to the expansion of this strategy at the national level, where there is currently a favorable regulatory framework, human resources and technical equipment.

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