Physiologic effects of wearing personal protective equipment kits in maxillofacial surgeons while providing patient care

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Dr. Sandeep Rajan O, Dr Ajith Kumar, Naveen Nandagopal


Background- Personal protective equipment is the most required protective suit system for the health care professionals during the periods of pandemics. Unfortunately the use of personal protective equipment may increase physiological and biomechanical strain on the worker. The aim of the study is to evaluate physiological changes of wearing personal protective equipment before and after the oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures. Methods- This study is a descriptive study evaluating the physiological effects of wearing personal protective equipment while doing maxillofacial procedures. Maxillofacial surgeons vital signs (body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and respiratory rate) were monitored pre-donning and post-doffing. Results- temperature, systolic bp, diastolic bp, mean bp and respiratory rate shows statistically significant increase, where as pulse rate, oxygen saturation shows statistically significant decrease conclusion- this study concludes that there is a significant difference in vitals of maxillofacial surgeons before and after wearing personal protective equipment while doing maxillofacial procedures.

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