Analysis of Barriers and Drivers for Individuals in Preventing the Spread of COVID-19: A Case Study of the Implementation of the 3M Protocol in Small Districts in Indonesia

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Karwi Surya, Muhammad Syafar, Ridwan Mochtar Thaha, Sudirman Nasir, Masyita Muis, Veni Hadju


Introduction: Various global policy efforts have been implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which continues to surge, including lockdowns, maintaining distance, washing hands with soap and running water, and using masks.

Objectives: Lacinia This study aimed to examine the barriers and drivers of individual preventive behavior against the risk of contracting COVID-19 when using the 3M protocol, considering predisposition factors (attitudes) and inhibiting factors. Additionally, the study explores why individuals do not engage in preventive behaviors against the risk of contracting COVID-19 when using the 3M protocol.

Methods: This research employed qualitative methods with a case study approach on COVID-19 survivors, aiming to understand and explore social or human issues using specific methodologies, develop complex problems holistically, and analyze and present data naturally.

Results: The results of this study indicate that people tend to comply with the health protocols recommended by the government if they have the right knowledge about COVID-19 and its prevention. Conversely, if they have incorrect knowledge about COVID-19, they tend to neglect to carry out health protocols

Conclusions: This highlights the importance of education on COVID-19 prevention, as well as the impact and usefulness of following health protocols.

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