Impact of Lateral Positioning in Bed Bath on Icu Patient’s Noninvasive Hemodynamic Status: A Literature Review

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Kasmiatun, Ridlwan Kamaluddin


Introduction: Critical patient is known as intensive care should get extra care when it comes to regular bathing. Positioning left and right sides will be used during the bathing procedure. Lateral position increases upper lung pressure compared to basal.

Method: Search for articles using electronic databases such as EBSCO, Google Scholar, IJSR, PubMed, and Science Direct. The search for articles used has been ongoing for the last 10 years. Keywords used include "lateral position," "personal hygiene," "ICU," and "hemodynamic status."

Results: Based on ten studies that looked at the effect of lateral posture on patients' non-invasive hemodynamic status during patient bathing in intensive care units.

Conclusion: Changes in non-invasive hemodynamic are affected by the use of lateral positioning when bathing

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