Characteristics of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Sufferers at ENT Policlinic of Patut Patuh Patju Hospital in the Period of July- December 2022

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Ni Putu Ayu Dewanthi Putri Wirawan, Siti Sovia Yuliana, Muhammad Nurman Hikmallah


Background : CSOM is chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid which is characterized by the presence of fluid from the tympanic membrane perforation repeatedly. The incidence of CSOM is found more in developing countries.

Research Methods : This research was a retrospective descriptive study where the data was primary data with simple random sampling method. The data obtained was processed univariately and the results was displayed in the frequency distribution table.

Results : This study involved 85 patients. It was found that there were more female CSOM patients (52.95%) than men (47.05%). CSOM was most commonly found in the adult age group (35.3%) and the least in the 6-11 age years group (4.7%). Most of the patients came with complaints of discharge from the ear (60 %) and most complained of discharge from the right ear (47.1%). All patients (100%) in this study found a perforation in the central part of the tympanic membrane, and were diagnosed with the benign type of CSOM (96.7%).

Conclusion : CSOM is one of the most common ear diseases in developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. The proportion of CSOM patients in the ENT polyclinic in July-December 2022 involved 85 patients. It was found that there were more female than men. the highest distribution of CSOM was in the age range of 26-46 years. CSOM is chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid and tympanic membrane perforation and found secretions (otorrhea), intermittent or persists for 2 months or more.

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