Translation, Validity, and Reliability of the Brief Questionnaire on Smoking Urges (QSU-Brief) in Indonesian

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Tribowo Tuahta Ginting, Martina Wiwie Setiawan Nasrun, Kristiana Siste, Jacub Pandelaki, Aria Kekalih, Melva Louisa, Agus Dwi Susanto, Diah Setia Utami, Wresti Indriatmi, Immanuel Natanael Tarigan, Ricky Nathaniel


In smoking cessation programs, identifying and monitoring patients' symptoms, including cravings, is essential. The widely used questionnaire for assessing craving symptoms is the QSU-B questionnaire. However, there has been no Indonesian translation of the QSU-B questionnaire to date. This study aimed to translate and assess the validity and reliability of the QSU-B questionnaire in Indonesian. This was a cross-sectional study involving in-depth interview with five expert panels and filling out a questionnaire by102 smokers. The translation was conducted independently by a certified translator. Validity was assessed using the Item-Level Content Validity Index (I-CVI), Scale-Level Content Validity Index (S-CVI), and correlation tests. Internal consistency reliability was measured using Cronbach's alpha. The QSU-B questionnaire, translated by an independent translator, was retranslated into English, and discussed by experts in a panel. The final questionnaire formulation was then used for further testing. Content validity assessment found that the QSU-B questionnaire was valid with I-CVI scores of 0.9-1 and S-SCVI of 0.98. Construct validity assessment found that the questionnaire was valid, with correlation values greater than the referral value. Reliability testing results showed that the QSU-B questionnaire was reliable, with a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.954. The Indonesian version of the QSU-B questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable, making it suitable for clinical use in patient management.

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