The Effectiveness of Mesotherapy Formulations, Lipolytic Injections Produce Dimples on the Chin

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Martin Pratwiwi


In the field of beauty and aesthetics, a tapered chin is one of the facial characteristics desired by many people. In order to achieve the desired chin look, several non-surgical methods such as mesotherapy and lipolytic injections have been used to reduce fat in the chin area. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mesotherapy formulations and lipolytic injections in producing dimples on the chin at Kiwi Pratama Clinic and Banjarnegara Islamic Hospital. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques are carried out by literature studies and interviews. Data analysis is carried out through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results showed that mesotherapy formulations and lipolytic injections effectively produced dimples on the chin in all patients involved in the study at Kiwi Primary Clinic and Banjarnegara Islamic Hospital. Changes that occur in the chin after treatment are permanent and do not experience a return to the previous condition.


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