Evaluation of masticatory efficiency using Bite Force Measurement in treated mandibular fractures with miniplates.

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Dr. Devanshi Vaghela, Dr. Parth Parikh, Dr. Samarth Kumar Ladumor, Dr. Dhruvita Mangukiya, Dr. Stuti Shah


Maxillofacial injuries are routinely encountered in our practice and can lead to severe disfigurement and alter one's facial form. Facial injuries can also result as a serious blow to one’s self esteem and psychosocial functioning, as there is a great emphasis on one’s appearance in the society.As a result, maxillofacial injuries require prompt and expert therapy to return to their normal shape and function. Road traffic accidents (RTA) are the most frequent cause of maxillofacial injuries in developing nations like India, followed by interpersonal disputes, unintentional falls, sports injuries, and industrial accidents.1

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