Overview, Pathogenesis and Medicinal Plant Used for Treatment of Vitiligo

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Ramya M, Kamaraj R, Shalini K


The condition known as vitiligo results in the death of melanocytes. This destruction is caused by three main factors. It is estimated that 0.5% to 2% of people world wide suffer from vitiligo, a prevalent cutaneous disorder that causes depigmentation. Melanocytes are specifically destroyed in this disorder, resulting in non-scaly, chalky-white macules. Depigmented mice also exhibit a muted response to contact allergens, one of the numerous abnormal functions of their skin. Although albinos' white skin, which is similar in colour to that of vitiligo patients, is more prone to skin cancer, vitiligo patients' white skin does not develop non-melanoma skin cancers. The term "vitiligo" was defined in 2011 to refer to all non-segmental types of vitiligo, while segmental vitiligo was classified separately from all other kinds of vitiligo according to an international consensus. This review summarised the current synthetic medicine and some natural phytoconstituents used for vitiligo, as well as discussing the types, signs & symptoms, aetiology, and pathophysiology of vitiligo

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