Critique of Orientalism in Contemporary One of the Gulf Province

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Sajida Abed Kadhim Al-Hassani, Anmar Hameed Adham Al-Hameedawi


The subject of Oriental studies primarily focuses on history and heritage. Orientalists have followed various methodologies in their readings of  history, and most of these methodologies have had an ideological character that works to reinforce the idea of European centrality. Based on this, several thinkers have worked on studying and analyzing these methodologies to uncover the ideological objectives employed in addressing issues in history. One great personality is considered one of the prominent contemporary Gulf country intellectuals who criticized Orientalist methodologies. He began his critique of Orientalism by engaging in a debate with Orientalists regarding their methodologies used in critiquing Orientalism. His critique was methodological rather than ideological, as he sought to highlight the flaws and biases in Orientalist methodologies and analyze them with rigorous scientific methodology. In general, towards Oriental studies was a methodological critique aimed at rectifying the shortcomings in the methodologies used in studying history and heritage. It was not an ideological critique aimed at tarnishing the image of Orientalists or proving the superiority of culture over European culture.

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