Driving Hospital Performance through Hospital Collaboration in the context of Interdisciplinary with Open Innovation and Patient Centred Care an Empirical Investigation

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Johanes Ronaldy Polla, Harjanto Prabowo, Sutoto, Sri Bramantoro Abdinagoro


In an era characterized by complex healthcare challenges and rapid technological advancements, hospitals are increasingly seeking collaborative approaches to innovate and improve their operational outcomes while also focusing on their patients' needs. This empirical study employs a multifaceted research design to examine the relationship between patient-centered care, hospital collaboration, open innovation practices, and various dimensions of hospital performance in Indonesian hospitals by implementing interdisciplinary approaches within the organization. By collecting and analyzing data from a diverse array of hospitals across national contexts, this research investigates the extent to which collaborative engagements with external entities foster open innovation initiatives within hospital settings. The empirical analysis delves into critical performance indicators encompassing patient care quality, operational efficiency, financial sustainability, and innovation adoption. Utilizing advanced statistical methods, the study dissects the correlations and effects of hospital collaboration with open innovation on these performance dimensions, offering a comprehensive understanding of the potential benefits and challenges associated with such endeavors. With a total of 306 respondents, including case managers from hospitals around Indonesia, the outcomes of this investigation offer valuable insights for both academic research and hospital management strategies. This paper not only advances scholarly discussions on the symbiotic relationship between collaboration and open innovation but also provides hospital administrators, policymakers, and healthcare practitioners with actionable insights into cultivating a collaborative ecosystem that drives performance advancements while also focusing on the patient. Additionally, this research investigates an interdisciplinary perspective in Indonesian hospitals by emphasizing the importance of fostering partnerships, knowledge sharing, and external engagement. This study underscores the pivotal role of hospital collaboration in leveraging open innovation to propel hospitals toward elevated performance trajectories within the dynamic healthcare landscape.

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