Assessment of Surface Variations of the Liver in Human Cadavers at Mewar Region of Rajasthan and its Clinical Implications

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Sami Ahmed, G. C. Agarwal



Background: Liver, the biggest organ situated at “the upper right part of the abdomen”, extending into the middle and a tiny section of the upper left part of the abdomen. As per “Couinaud classification, the liver is divided into eight functional parts (I to VIII)”.   Less invasive surgical techniques and diagnostic imaging rely heavily on the liver's morphology. This work is performed to investigate the intricate anatomy of the liver.

Purpose: Aim of this investigation is to ascertain the “gross anatomical differences” of the “liver and their clinical and surgical consequences”.

Methods and Results: A total of 80 liver specimens from the Anatomy Department at Pacific Medical College and Hospital in Udaipur were used for the investigation.   Observations were made about the “morphological differences of the liver,” including alterations in its magnitude and form, “the existence of pons Varolii hepatis, accessory lobes, and fissures”.   Photographs is engaged to record discrepancies.  The acquired findings were then organised into a table.

Conclusion: In this work, we examined the several forms of morphological diversity in the liver.   This information will undoubtedly assist radiologists in making more precise decisions when analysing various radiological pictures, eventually leading to a decrease in reporting errors.

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