Efficacy of Removal of Iodoform Based Intracanal Medicament from Root Canals Using Peracetic Acid, Sodium Hypochlorite, And Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid as Irrigating Solutions in Teeth with Closed Apex – An In-Vitro Stereomicroscopic Study.

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Mona Somani, Sweety Thumari, Aashray Patel, Mustafa Hajori, Chintan Joshi, Neelam Desai, Applu Atrey


Aim: Removal of intracanal medicament is an ideal requirement for achieving a hermetic seal after obturation. These study aims to compare the efficacy of 0.5% peracetic acid, 3% sodium hypochlorite, and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as irrigating solutions to remove calcium hydroxide with iodoform from root canals with closed apex.

Methods: Ninety extracted single-rooted single-canal teeth were selected. All the teeth were decoronated to obtain a standard length of 14 mm. Teeth were prepared using ProTaper Gold rotary files up to F4 and Metapex (calcium hydroxide with iodoform, by MetaBiomed) was placed in them. Teeth were randomly divided into three groups: group 1- sodium hypochlorite, group 2- ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and group 3- peracetic acid. Irrigation was done using the above irrigating solution with sonic activation. After the removal of the medicament, the residual medicament was assessed under a stereomicroscope at 20 X magnification using a four-grade scoring system. Data were analysed using a One-way analysis of variance and the Post Hoc Tukey test. (P<0.05)

 Results: Peracetic acid (group 3) had the least amount of Calcium hydroxide with iodoform (Metapex by Meta-Biomed) remnants, with the lowest mean value of 1.07, followed by sodium hypochlorite (group 1), with a mean value of 1.33, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (group 2), with a mean value of 1.9.

Conclusion: In comparison with sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid was not significantly more efficient but it was significantly more effective than ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in removing the Calcium hydroxide with iodoform (Metapex, by Meta-Biomed) from root canals.

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