Effect of Heat on Surface Changes and Fracture Resistance of NiTi Rotary files: A systematic Review on Implications in Endodontic Practice.

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Sweety Thumar, Urooj Desai, Chintan Joshi, Mona Somani, Niraj Kinariwala, Anisha Parmar


Introduction: NiTi rotary files are not immune to challenges, particularly during clinical use. One of the major concerns associated with their application is the generation of heat during root canal preparation.

Objectives: The objectives of this review encompass a thorough assessment of alterations in surface       characteristics, such as roughness and topography, of NiTi rotary files following heat exposure.

Methods: This systematic review was conducted following a predetermined protocol, which was registered on the Open Science Framework (OSF) to ensure transparency and accountability in the review process. The research question was formulated using the PICO framework. A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify relevant studies from various information sources. The following databases were systematically searched, screnner. All the data collected was then extracted.

Results: All the data was then extracted and this review concluded that autoclave sterilization of newer rotary endodontic instruments could increase resistance to cyclic fatigue but the difference observed are not that significant pertaining to all the limitations of this review.

Conclusions: In conclusion, the findings of this systematic review highlight the significant impact of autoclave heat on the surface roughness and fracture resistance of NiTi rotary files. The alterations in surface characteristics and mechanical properties induced by autoclave exposure can influence the files' clinical performance and lifespan.

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