Chemical Compositions and Antifungal Activities of Seaweed Extracts Against Fungus Isolated from Groundnut Leaves

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Sigamani Selvaraj, Sreenath kumar Chinnadurai


Numerous fungal diseases of groundnut are known and various fungi are reported to be closely associated with groundnut fruits and seeds. The objective of the study is to report the fungi affected groundnut leaves are isolated and its activity is reduced against seaweed extracts. Marine organisms produce a mixture of compounds with alleviative activities, including anticancer, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and are more effective sources of novel therapeutic agents. The antifungal activity of extracts of different seaweed species was evaluated against fungal strains affected groundnut leaves. The groundnut leaves were collected and fungal strains were isolated by standard agar plate method and identified by 18sRNA sequencing. Based on the sequence alignment analysis four different fugal strains are identified Colletotrichum siamense, Fusarium equiseti, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, penicilium oxalicum. The phytochemical analysis of seaweed shows the presence of various secondary metabolites. The T.conoides extract was subjected to LC-MS analysis to identify its active constituents. The chromatogram indicated the presence of 16 bioactive compounds, among which were Mescaline, Quinic acid, Shogaol, and Stachydrine. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of seaweed extracts were determined. The result showed that all the seaweed extracts has high potential of MIC against the isolated fungi. The present results suggest that seaweed extracts are capable of preventing fungal infection to a certain extent..

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