The Role of Government and Society in Creating Socio-Economic Change Through the Lorong Wisata Program in Makassar City

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Asrianto, Rahmat Muhammad, Nuvida Raf


The change of Tamalanrea Village into an agro-tourism destination is not only a change in the environmental aspect, but also in the social and economic aspects. This change is the result of the collaborative role of the government and the community in Lorong Wisata Zurich. This study aims to analyze the role of government and society in the socio-economic transformation of Tamalanrea Village through the agritourism-based Lorong Wisata program. The research approach uses functional structural theory by Talcott Parsons, known as AGIL theory, which explains the four absolute prerequisites that must be met for a system to run, namely Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, and Latency. This research adopted a qualitative method using data from observation, interviews, and documentation. The results revealed the key roles of the government and the community, which include making regulations related to the Lorong Wisata program, forming the Lorong Council, forming the Women Farmers Group, and involving products from Lorong Wisata in various activities. In addition, there are budget allocations and efforts to improve infrastructure. Socio-economic changes observed include increased community solidarity, women's empowerment, micro, small and medium enterprise development, and skills enhancement. This research provides valuable insights into how cooperation between the government and the community can result in changes in the community, which go beyond environmental aspects and include important socio-economic dimensions.

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