Influence of Telemedicine and Its Dimensions on Health Promotion

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Mahycol Reynner Harold Bravo-Ramirez, Danis Yanet Castillo-Esquivel, Josefa Magdalena Cabrera Díaz


Introduction: Multidisciplinary health promotion activities were interrupted during the pandemic with telemedicine temporarily replacing face-to-face patient care as an alternative. Objective: The objective of the research was to determine the influence of Telemedicine and its dimensions on health promotion. Method: The type of study is cross-sectional. It was carried out in a public hospital where 120 users participated during the period September - November 2022, using instruments validated by experts and having as inclusion criteria the patients attended in the four remote services: Teleconsultation, Teleorientation, Telemonitoring and Teleinterconsultation, being analyzed statistically by correlation coefficient and logistic regression. Results: A response rate of 76.4% was obtained, in which 58.3% presented a high level of satisfaction with the use of Telemedicine, showing a positive influence on health promotion (r=0.669, p<0.05; OR 9.28 [95 % CI, 4.54 - 18.98; p<0.05]). Conclusion: It was determined that there is a relationship between Telemedicine and its dimensions towards health promotion as well as high satisfaction on the part of the users.

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