Bullet Journal as a Strategy of Changing Stunting Toddlers’ Behavior of Looking After Dental and Oral Health: One Group Pre-Test Post-Test

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Ristya Widi Endah Yani, Darmawan Setijanto


Objectives: The stunting toddlers had poor oral hygiene. Bullet journal was believed as an effective media of changing the behavior of looking after the dental and oral health. The research aims to identify and analyse the difference between the stunting toddlers’ behavior of looking after the dental and oral health before and after the use of bullet journal.

Methods: The study was pre-experimental research with one group pre-test post-test design. The population was 2396 stunting toddlers aged 36-60 months at Jelbuk Public Health Center, Jember. The sample was 100 toddlers from 6 villages selected by clustered random sampling. The research variable was the behavior of looking after dental and oral health measured by a questionnaire (pre-test and post-test). The media of Bullet Journal was utilised for 28 days. The result was tabulated and analysed using Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test.

Results: The 72% of the respondents were 48-60 months, 59% of the respondents were male, 56% of the respondents had parents with low education, and 91% of the respondents were Madurese. The average score of pre-test was 54.72±13.91. While the average score of post-test increased to 79.42±9.24. The Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test resulted p-value 0,000 was less than α (0,05) that meant there was different score between before and after the use of bullet journal.

Conclusion: There was the difference between the toddlers’ behavior of looking after their dental and oral health before and after the use of bullet journal.

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