Genomic Profiling of Pediatric Leukemia: Identifying Prognostic Markers

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Anand Gudur, Rashmi Gudur, Aparna Patange, Sanjay Thorat


Paediatric leukaemia is a complex and diverse category of haematological cancers that mostly affect children and adolescents. It includes acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Understanding the underlying genetic changes that underlie these diseases has become crucial in the search to better prognosis and treatment options because these diseases show a great deal of clinical variability.

In this study, we examine the crucial part that genomic profiling plays in paediatric leukaemia, providing information on the genetic environment and identifying prognostic indicators. Researchers have discovered numerous genetic subgroups that have a major impact on illness presentation and clinical outcomes by utilising the power of cutting-edge genomics technologies. These subtypes include B-cell precursor ALL, T-cell ALL, and AML, each of which is distinguished by specific genetic abnormalities. They also cover a wide range of cytogenetic and molecular profiles.

With new technologies like single-cell sequencing and liquid biopsies showing potential for improving diagnostic and prognostic skills, the future of genomic profiling in paediatric leukaemia appears bright. Additionally, international cooperative initiatives continue to deepen our understanding of the condition, converting research results into better therapeutic treatment for kids with leukaemia. This thorough review sheds more light on these elements and emphasises the revolutionary changes that genomic profiling has brought about in the study of paediatric leukaemia and in clinical practise.

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